New and unique structures. With the micro NC all current WINTERSTEIGER structures can be reproduced. The new top-precision grinding stone and diamond significally raise the accuracy of the structures. In addition, the micro NC makes true linear structures and progressive structures, i.e. structures which vary in length and depth along the ski length or which overlap. Up to 3 structure combinations are possible across the ski width!
And there’s more: The depth of the radial diamond advance on the micro NC can be preselected in steps of 0,01 mm. Multiple threads for linear structures are also possible thanks to multiple dressings where the starting points on the stone circumference can be selected as required, similar to multiple thread spindles on CNC robots.
Total flexibility. Thanks to a special angle sensor the micro NC can compensate for the influence of the binding bridge so that the structure is exactly the same along the whole length of the ski. The feed speed and contact pressure can be freely defined along the length of the ski and variably and progressively
selected. The contact pressure is created using a pneumatic cylinder, can be progressively adjusted and thus guarantees absolutely even material removal.